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Thursday, March 31, 2022
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U.S Customs and Border Protection Enforcement
U.S Customs and Border Protection Enforcement
Office of Investigations SAC Offices
SAC Washington, DC
2675 Prosperity Avenue
Fairfax, VA 22031
Email address: uscustom_service11@hotmail.com
Attention Fund Beneficiary,
We have been instructed to release your Consignment Box containing the sum of $3.5million, that this Unit of U.S. Customs and Border
Protection seized, which has been in our custody for a long time due to your inability to provide the Clearance certificates, which you
were asked to obtain from Africa where the fund was transferred from.
You were fortunate after our investigation last month the U.S Department of States instructed that we should release all the fund
that U.S Customs and Border Protection seized to their owners in this first quarter of the year 2022.
You are therefore advised to come or send your representative to this office to claim your fund immediately. You are advised to comply immediately, Below is the office address.
U.S.Customs and Border Protection.
Office of Investigations SAC Offices
SAC Washington, DC
2675 Prosperity Avenue
Fairfax, VA 22031
For more inquiry reply to this email: uscustom_service11@hotmail.com
Urgent get back to us.
Faithfully Yours,
Michele James
The Executive Director of Admissibility and Passenger Programs with
U.S Customs and Border Protection.
Office of Investigations SAC Offices
SAC Washington, DC
2675 Prosperity Avenue
Fairfax, VA 22031
Email address: uscustom_service11@hotmail.com
Attention Fund Beneficiary,
We have been instructed to release your Consignment Box containing the sum of $3.5million, that this Unit of U.S. Customs and Border
Protection seized, which has been in our custody for a long time due to your inability to provide the Clearance certificates, which you
were asked to obtain from Africa where the fund was transferred from.
You were fortunate after our investigation last month the U.S Department of States instructed that we should release all the fund
that U.S Customs and Border Protection seized to their owners in this first quarter of the year 2022.
You are therefore advised to come or send your representative to this office to claim your fund immediately. You are advised to comply immediately, Below is the office address.
U.S.Customs and Border Protection.
Office of Investigations SAC Offices
SAC Washington, DC
2675 Prosperity Avenue
Fairfax, VA 22031
For more inquiry reply to this email: uscustom_service11@hotmail.com
Urgent get back to us.
Faithfully Yours,
Michele James
The Executive Director of Admissibility and Passenger Programs with
U.S Customs and Border Protection.
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This is going to sound crazy, but this is the real thing.
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They all belong to the Sugar Daddy For Me community, and they are eager to meet new men today.
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