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death of the depositor. I want you to act as the beneficiary of the
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there is no risk involves, note that the money is going to be shared
between me and you, I am going to offer you 45% of the total sums why
55% will be for me,
For further inquiries/interest in this claim, send to me your full
name immediately as they are in your driver's license or international
passport, your mobile telephone number, your fax number if
confidential and your contact address for the legal documentations of
this claim. In receipt of your positive response, I will update you
with the entire legal requirement for this claim. I will also proof
You the decease death certificate upon your response with the
certificate of deposit of the fund, Please note it's very confidential
which is infrastructure security to avoid the head office knowing,
As i wait for your kind response,
Yours faithfully
Mr Elvis Lawer
Regional Remittance Manager
Barclay's Bank Ghana Plc.
I am writing to notify you that I need your consent with respect to
payment of Sixteen Million Five Hundred Thousand United State
Dollars($16,500,000.00) in (BBG) Barclay's Bank Ghana Plc. Where am
the branch manager belonging to a deceased customer whose name is not
stated in this mail for reasons of privacy. My last check on
Investor's deposits revealed an in active account with the above
stated amount belonging to a deceased customer.
The records for this deposit showed no beneficiary in the event of
death of the depositor. I want you to act as the beneficiary of the
funds and I would like to meet you face to face for verbal discussion,
there is no risk involves, note that the money is going to be shared
between me and you, I am going to offer you 45% of the total sums why
55% will be for me,
For further inquiries/interest in this claim, send to me your full
name immediately as they are in your driver's license or international
passport, your mobile telephone number, your fax number if
confidential and your contact address for the legal documentations of
this claim. In receipt of your positive response, I will update you
with the entire legal requirement for this claim. I will also proof
You the decease death certificate upon your response with the
certificate of deposit of the fund, Please note it's very confidential
which is infrastructure security to avoid the head office knowing,
As i wait for your kind response,
Yours faithfully
Mr Elvis Lawer
Regional Remittance Manager
Barclay's Bank Ghana Plc.
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I am Mr. Colin Brent, the newly appointed Head of Operations, HSBC BANK,North Towers Branch, Bangkok, Thailand. I was promoted to this exalted position some Four Months ago.
Following the ongoing debt settlement program by HSBC BANK, in my position as the overall heads of operations I requested all the directors from their various departments at HSBC BANK to notify beneficiaries whose payments are
still pending to have their payment files scrutinized for immediate payment.
Your payment file number HSBC-WBDSC/0177/18, is among the files in my Office for the payment process. I have gone through your payment files to discover that you had made several attempts to claim your payment, but unfortunately there are always hitches in the process.
I also discovered that over 80% of the beneficiaries waiting for their payment are having the same problem, mostly financial backup to claim their inherited funds. To have this situation resolved, we have approved two ways
to amicably settle this debt matter.
For those who may not be able to afford the financial requirements claiming their funds, the authorities of HSBC BANK Thailand, have decided to provide them with affordable means to resolve their long overdue payment.
If you are not able to afford the cost of processing your payment, the authority of HSBC BANK, will provide you with a reasonable opportunity and privilege to resolve this long overdue payment matter.
The way out is for the authorities of HSBC BANK, to release 50% of your total payment sum to you without you paying the bank charges, then when you received your funds into your home bank account, as soon as you confirmed the first 50% of your long overdue payment.Note that ,You will be required to pay for the handling fees for the issuing and signing of the banking documene for the release of your fund and to enable you receive 50% of your money,which you will be required to pay all the bank charges to HSBC BANK,then the remaining of your money will be released pay and transfer to your
account without further delays .
With this arrangement I must let you know that you will issue the authorities of HSBC BANK, a promissory letter to promise and assure HSBC BANK that you will pay all the accrued bank charges when you must have received 50% of your entire payment sum. Be reminded that your promissory letter must be stamp at the Oath commissioner's office accordingly and you will be responsible for the little amount.
I am contacting you through my personal email address and I do not have any personal interest other than assisting you to accomplish your aims.
If this is okay with you I want you to get back to me to open official communication with you.
Mr.Colin Brent
Head Of Operations
HSBC BANK, North Towers Branch. Bangkok, Thailand.
I am Mr. Colin Brent, the newly appointed Head of Operations, HSBC BANK,North Towers Branch, Bangkok, Thailand. I was promoted to this exalted position some Four Months ago.
Following the ongoing debt settlement program by HSBC BANK, in my position as the overall heads of operations I requested all the directors from their various departments at HSBC BANK to notify beneficiaries whose payments are
still pending to have their payment files scrutinized for immediate payment.
Your payment file number HSBC-WBDSC/0177/18, is among the files in my Office for the payment process. I have gone through your payment files to discover that you had made several attempts to claim your payment, but unfortunately there are always hitches in the process.
I also discovered that over 80% of the beneficiaries waiting for their payment are having the same problem, mostly financial backup to claim their inherited funds. To have this situation resolved, we have approved two ways
to amicably settle this debt matter.
For those who may not be able to afford the financial requirements claiming their funds, the authorities of HSBC BANK Thailand, have decided to provide them with affordable means to resolve their long overdue payment.
If you are not able to afford the cost of processing your payment, the authority of HSBC BANK, will provide you with a reasonable opportunity and privilege to resolve this long overdue payment matter.
The way out is for the authorities of HSBC BANK, to release 50% of your total payment sum to you without you paying the bank charges, then when you received your funds into your home bank account, as soon as you confirmed the first 50% of your long overdue payment.Note that ,You will be required to pay for the handling fees for the issuing and signing of the banking documene for the release of your fund and to enable you receive 50% of your money,which you will be required to pay all the bank charges to HSBC BANK,then the remaining of your money will be released pay and transfer to your
account without further delays .
With this arrangement I must let you know that you will issue the authorities of HSBC BANK, a promissory letter to promise and assure HSBC BANK that you will pay all the accrued bank charges when you must have received 50% of your entire payment sum. Be reminded that your promissory letter must be stamp at the Oath commissioner's office accordingly and you will be responsible for the little amount.
I am contacting you through my personal email address and I do not have any personal interest other than assisting you to accomplish your aims.
If this is okay with you I want you to get back to me to open official communication with you.
Mr.Colin Brent
Head Of Operations
HSBC BANK, North Towers Branch. Bangkok, Thailand.
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