| LinkedIn Network Updates, Nov 28 - Dec 5 | |  | | | Updates from Your Extended Network Connect with them to see what they're up to | | | | Sarah Dugo Over the weekend my husband & I explored the new Coinstar offerings, since we needed by buy several gift cards this year. You see, teenagers really don’t want anything that you pick out! You get an e-Certificate that you give to the recipient with a code for them to enter, they can use it in the store or on-line. There are many different places to choose from, some of these are Amazon.com, Home Depot, Chili’s, Starbucks, X-box, etc. Since I save change all year and our banks will not count change anymore, Coinstar allowed us to get all the people on our list e-Certificates this year. I ... | | | Jill Callan Tiny You (Petunia) Children's Boutique #constantcontact http://conta.cc/YwnNcY | Tiny You (Petunia) Children's Boutique Holiday Shopping! Toys for all ages, from handcrafted teething toys for your baby to eco-friendly dollhouses! Card games, puzzles, paperdolls, fingerpuppets and so much more! Come in and check out the selection of unique gift... | | | | | Mary and Al Hone http://lnkd.in/amxcYY | | | Wordless Wednesday It’s Wordless Wednesday again, and that means….. I have no idea, really. Other than we love to hop around the Wordless Wednesday blog hop, say hello to all our friends, and we have made some new ones along the way. It’s all about the fun!! See,... | | | | | Denine Rogers, RD, LD On this hump day - Wednesday, take some time to look at this visually journey video. http://ow.ly/fLjtf | | | Recent Pledges On ... Take a few minutes to enjoy this visual journey of beauty and serenity through cycles of light, water, wind and earth. Consider your relationship to these elements; consider the oneness of all life. | | | | | | | |